MovieClip Saturation Class - ActionScript 2

This ActionScript 2.0 Class enables you to easily adjust the colour saturation of any Flash MovieClip during runtime. It requires Flash Player version 8 or above, and uses the ColourTransformationMatrix and some clever jiggery-pokery to adjust the RGBA channels of your MovieClips. In short, it’s sweet - and fills a gap in the built-in flash filter classes.

Have a look at this flash movie (below) to see the end result, all generated from the same MovieClip.

[kml_flashembed movie=“” height=“365” width=“470” fversion=“8” wmode=“transparent” menu=“false” /]

Now, before I go much further, I should point out that the functions that make this possible are down to senocular, whose equally awesome code this is based on. All I really did was figure out a way to turn it into an ActionScript 2.0 Class. - Technically it doesn’t even need to be in a class - but it just makes things easier.

Using this Class

Firstly, you’re going to want to download the source files. It’s as basic as it comes - using it ‘out-the-box’ requires that you take the ‘mmt’ folder, and paste it into the same directory as your .fla file. And then, by typing;

mmt.SaturationManager.setSaturation(your_movieclip, the_saturation);

You’ll be able to modify the colour saturation of the MovieClip. “your_movieclip” is obviously a reference to the MovieClip, and “the_saturation” is a value from 0 (No Colour) to 100 (Normal Colour). You can apply values beyond 0 and 100, and oversaturate the colours. In our example (above) the [1st on the left, bottom row] MovieClip is oversaturated, at 150%.


Download the source files, containing example .fla and .as files [ZIP, 488KB] Download only the .as file [ActionScript File, 1KB]